Some Key Actors in Promoting and Developing Aboriginal Capacity on ABS
One of the most important precursors to successful ABS regimes are communities that have the capacity and resources to develop their own protocols
Intellectual Property Rights and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge: A WIPO Guide
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inequalities that exist in our health-care system, here in Canada and abroad
Traditional Knowledge in National Energy Board Consultation and Environmental Assessments
The Federal Government’s recent Discussion Paper on modernizing the National Energy Board (NEB) and incorporating Indigenous Traditional Knowledge
Why the fuss about GM salmon? The impact of AquAdvantage on Indigenous Populations
A legal battle over GMO crops in Mexico may shed light on how Canada will interpret Aboriginal and Treaty rights as they relate to economic and agricultural activity on land subject to those rights
Breaking Away from the Indian Act? Cautious Optimism over the Dissolution of the Department of Indigenous and Norther Affairs (INAC)
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inequalities that exist in our health-care system, here in Canada and abroad
Inuit and Federal Governments to Join Up to Protect Marine Biodiversity
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inequalities that exist in our health-care system, here in Canada and abroad
Leader Turned Laggard? Canada, the Nagoya Protocol, and the Road Ahead
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inequalities that exist in our health-care system, here in Canada and abroad
Implications of Digital DNA on the Nagoya Protocol
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inequalities that exist in our health-care system, here in Canada and abroad
Implications of the Clyde River Case for Indigenous Peoples
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inequalities that exist in our health-care system, here in Canada and abroad
Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Remains Marginalized in Canada’s Healthcare System
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inequalities that exist in our health-care system, here in Canada and abroad